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The 4 A’s of Making Mistakes

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It’s so important to make our home into an environment where kids feel comfortable making mistakes.

Because our kids will ALWAYS make mistakes!  We still do, right?

Why not teach them strategies on what to do after a mistake is made?  Teaching them these steps will not only show them that it’s OK to make mistakes but it also equips them and empowers them on what to do when they know they’ve blown it…when they’ve really messed up…or even when they have a small “Oops”.

Here are the 4 A’s of Making Mistakes we can teach our kids:

  1. Admit Your Mistake–Everyone makes mistakes.  No one is perfect.  Admit what you did.  Build trust instead of break it.
  2. Apologize–Say: “I’m sorry.”  Ask for forgiveness.  Be sincere.
  3. Always Offer to Help Fix It–Take ownership.  Solve the problem.  Figure out a solution and follow through.
  4. Avoid Making the Same Mistake–Learn from your mistake.  Mistakes build character and can make you stronger and more wise.  Learn, grow, and move on!


Wouldn’t it be so wonderful if we all did this?

After we teach these steps and we walk our kids through them over and over, then we just have to be there for them without judgement…without punishment…and without any “I told you so’s”.  So the next time our kids come to us with a mistake, we can say—

Lord, check our hearts for perfectionist ways and perfectionist expectations of ourselves and of our children.  Fill our hearts full of grace–especially in our words and our reactions.  Remove the pressure of perfection and remind us that Your word and Your ways are perfect and flawless NOT OURS…and certainly not our children’s. 

Here’s to building better families–

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