When It’s Hard to Let Them Go

How is it possible that my daughter started kindergarten today????  It’s not the first time we’ve been down this kindergarten road, but it wasn’t any easier.  I think I’m just struggling with how fast it all went.

She didn’t do preschool so this is the first time she is going to be away from me for this long…ever!

Choosing to keep her home with me for so long, I figured I had so much time and I would be ready, but then Zip…zing…bam!   One minute she was a little baby burrito with a sleep sack that I was rocking to sleep and the next minute, she’s a big girl with a backpack that I was walking to school.  I thought I would be ready, but I wasn’t.

My heart was pounding when my husband and I took her into her classroom.  I just wanted to stay and watch her and see what she was doing and learning and saying and experiencing.  With one last hug, I didn’t want to let her go…ever!

She was my little boopy, my little snuggle bug, my little shugs.

I didn’t want to walk out of the classroom.  I held back the tears until I was out in the hallway and then the flood came.  My husband and I hugged each other and we cried.   I felt so helpless.

Whether it’s to a day care provider, preschool, grade school, middle school, high school, college, work, off with friends, or on their first day of kindergarten… anytime our kids walk out the door…anytime we let them go, there is definitely a sense of powerlessness.

  • Will they make good choices?
  • Will they be safe?
  • Will they be bullied?
  • Will they stand up for themselves?
  • Will they be strong enough to stand up for someone else?
  • Will they be kind and loving?
  • Will they respect others?
  • Will they respect themselves?

The questions and worries can be overwhelming but we have to learn that no matter what phase of life our children are in, we can always trust them in the loving Hands of the One who created them.

As I walked home, leaving my little girl in that big school…all I could do was pray (and cry).

Prayer—a powerful act all of us parents can do for our kids all day…every day…and especially in moments of powerlessness.

Have you prayed for your child today? 

Let me share a prayer I pray every day over my kids…

Lord, bless them.  Keep them safe and healthy.  Watch over them and guide them.  Help them to make kind and loving choices for themselves and for others. And may they know that they have a very special purpose in this world and so does everyone else.  Remind them that they are Your love and light!

Here’s to building better families—

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